Silk dupioni fabrics shades of yellow
Dupion fabrics are characterized by beautiful vibrant colors and characteristic texture. Silk dupioni fabrics can be woven from fine silk threads as well as thicker silk yarns. Fine dupionis have a smooth surface resembling shantung while classical dupionis display the typically nubby texture that this fabric is known for. Both of these silks are lightweight yet stiff. They hold their shape well and do nicely in full skirts, tailored styles, wedding dresses, and simple summer pieces. Dupioni silk fabric is also an interesting choice for interior design.

Pure silk dupioni
Dupioni silk fabric by the yard and the nearly identical silk shantung fabric by the yard are among our most popular fabrics. We carry silk dupioni fabrics and silk shantung by the yard in a range of pastels and vibrant colors. We have various bolt widths and weights of silk dupioni fabric and silk shantung fabric.